Canon PowerShot ELPH 300HS

Ok, technicallyyyyyy, this isn't a thrifted find, but I think it starts us off on a positive note.

This little creature is an unassuming point and shoot by the almighty Canon which I think came out around 2011. Mine was a family hand-me-down that I've had for a while but didn't start playing with until the past year or so. As the only digital point and shoot that I've used so far, I can't really give it a fair comparison to others like it.

That all said, my impressions so far have been that for what it is, it's a cute but decent memory-maker that fits in your pocket. The autofocus seems fine, more-or-less, and it generally captures a balanced exposure. The necessary controls are quick to learn and use. The battery also seems to last pretty well. I know for me it sat in a closet for a few months and still had some charge when I pulled it out again.

The only thing I could call a gripe is that it doesn't have a viewfinder you can look through, which I think makes it harder to shoot level. This is usually a super easy fix in post though and it's never really the end of the world. The kind of quality you get in darker situations can look a little aged in that creepy way, but sometimes the results are actually kind of cool!

Overall, I think this camera is fun to take on a trip or a night out with the squad or whatever the kids say. This is also the camera I use to shoot stuff for this site a lot--albeit I usually mess those pictures up a bit in post. Below are random some shots I took with the thing.

Good enough for one of those 'strangely familiar places with mario music' videos??

Landscapes can actually be nice sometimes if the lighting and composition are just right

shoop da woop

Flash lighting at night makes any place look fun for the kids!

Kudos to the guys who actually knew what this was before they saw it crossposted on reddit or something.